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Running in the winter puts your feet to the test. Here are some tips to optimize your activity between the cold, the mud and the snow.
Each sport solicits your feet in a different way. Our specific insoles provide the stability, cushioning and dynamism that are right for you.
Going back to school or work, marks the end of the holidays for your feet too. To calmly tackle this hard return to everyday life, make the right choice of...
The foot is the fundamental instrument of any ultra-trailer. Here are some expert tips on preparing and protecting your feet before and during the UTMB.
Multi-day hikes, over several days, are the most challenging. They wear out your body, especially your feet, causing a risk of pain or even injury. Here are some expert tips...
Discover our tips and the perfect morning routine to start off your day of hiking perfectly and also on the right foot
Guillaume Peretti and Brice Sarti, two experts of the GR, help us unravel the true from the false and shed light on all the grey areas that remain about the...
The GR20 is a unique adventure that deserves specific advice. Guillaume Peretti, a high performance trail runner and former record holder of the trek reveals to us 10 tips to...
Some tips and expert advice to optimally recover your feet, a runner's key asset, after a physically demanding event such as a trail run or marathon.
Running a marathon not only changes you as a person, it also changes your feet. Analysis of six major changes to the feet over the legendary 26.2-mile course.
Why should you protect your foot and how? Below, experts offer advice to run better and longer
The sensation, the grail of any runner. Discover how to manage and boost your sensations in your running practice